Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thank God For Small Blessings

Blessing #1: Rose Bud, who was a very sweet sister to do her little sister's nails, way back when Pepper was recovering from her tonsillectomy
Blessings #2: Here is Sunshine, pretending to go to work (ie: pretending to be me--remember? I waitress part-time)
What's the blessing, you ask? That this is NOT REALLY what I have to wear to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blessings #3: The picture doesn't really do it justice, but I had to change a lightbulb today. In our vaulted ceiling. A big light bulb. Guess what happens to a lightbulb that falls from 10 feet up and bounces off the computer table? Yeah. A big mess.

The blessing? It was the BURNT OUT lightbulb and not the brand-new $14 apiece lightbulb!
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CritD said...

Laughed at this one. Sunshine is just too cute

Recovering Noah said...

Whew! Glad for the clarification on Sunshine's picture. I was starting to wonder where you waitressed at. :-)