Tuesday, August 19, 2008


While at Family Camp, out in the middle of nowhere, we were walking to the cabin after the campfire. Where we live, 1 mile from a 4-lane highway, it's never really completely silent. At camp, one of us suddenly stopped and said, "Everybody, Shh! Listen to how quiet it is!"

Pepper: I wish those crickets would be quiet so I could hear it!

Pepper, unruffled after almost stepping on a snake at camp: "My foot was just hovering over it and then it slipped away into the grass."

Pepper reviewing The Boxcar Children Caboose Mystery: "I love this book. It's really exciting. Read the back. It made me excited." You have to understand that this was said in a dead serious tone, without excitement. Not sarcastic, nor in a monotone. Just deadpan. She's such a serious little muppet.

And my favorite: "I just love you so so so so so so so so so so so much, Mom. Kiss my lips."

I just love YOU so so so so so so so so so so so so much, Pepper!

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